© Heidelberg Marketing / Tobias Schwerdt

Heiligenberg Mountain Bike Route

Short facts

  • start: Waldschenke Heidelberg
  • destination: Waldschenke Heidelberg
  • difficult
  • 34,31 km
  • 3 hours 28 minutes
  • 1197 m
  • 571 m
  • 108 m
  • 100 / 100
  • 80 / 100

best season

The best of Heidelberg - a worthwhile route with some technical challenges.

The route begins with a technically challenging part from the Heiligenberg down to Heidelberg's old town, which scores with both cultural and gastronomic highlights. After that, the route first leads steeply on the road and then further up the mountain in the forest to the King's Chair. The route continues along well-maintained paths to Posseltslust. At the Hilsbacher Tor, a detour to Kohlhof for refreshments is recommended. A rapid descent takes you down to Neckargemünd and through the historic old town, which offers numerous other places to stop for refreshments, to Kleingemünd on the other side of the Neckar. Halfway up the slope, you roll along with magnificent views of the Neckar valley to Heidelberg-Ziegelhausen. From here, the long climb up to Zollstock and further back to the Hill of Saints will demand stamina and endurance.


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