Jetzt mal Tacheles! – Talk turkey, mouth-breather! – The Proverbs Tour

Thematic Tours


"My name is Hare, I don‘t know a thing!” But don‘t worry, you don‘t have to feel that way! Find out what you “had on “beyond the pale” (nicht auf eine Kuhhaut gehen) and how you were “fobbed off” (abgespeist). “Don‘t make tracks” (Kratzen Sie nicht die Kurve), because we’ll untie the etymological knots for you and certainly won’t “lead you down the garden path” (ein X für und U vormachen) – after all we majored in the subject. After that, you’re allowed to “pull our leg,” too (einen Bären aufbinden). For real! You may be lead (but not on a merry chase) by: Dr. Kauder-Welsch or Dr. Gobble de Gook. The special city sightseeing tour with aha effect! Experience Heidelberg in entertaining word stories, idioms and plays on words.

Note: Also recommended as a guided tour for school classes (from grade 10).